Discussione fra JasonKing e BrianDavis a proposito del tool che ripulisce il programma dai fili "inutili"
e quello che permette di impostare i setting di apertura del programma
Da questa discussione si ha anche modo di scoprire alcuni trucchi che Davis riassume cosi':
I wonder if somehow in that content there's info on the editing environment?
Traces, but not a lot - certainly not as much as I feel would be useful. As an example, when you look at the help files on wires, they mention that you can click on the right-hand plug on a datawire to delete it (that's the only place I can find official reference to that ability). But it doesn't mention, for instance, that that only deletes the wire from the plug to the nearest branch point, not all the connected wires... which is what clicking an actual wire (selecting the wire) and pressing delete does. That's another one of those fine points that can be really handy to know.
You should draw up such a document, in HTML format, and that way the whole community can benefit from your list of shortcuts and tips/tricks. You actually know more of them than I do at this point, I think smile.gif
I'm not sure that I know more of them than you do at this point, but I do have a list of stuff drawn up in a Word document that I should try to polish and add screenshots. Things like...
* The fact that you can "stretch" and "shrink" the sequence beams by clicking and dragging horizontally with the cursor on the sequence beam between blocks.
* That you can multiplex wires into/out of Switch structures ([i[]much[/i] easier, now that someone has released a tool that highlights where the tunnels through the structure boundries are smile.gif ).
* A copy & paste operation drops the resulting pasted code in the largest clear area near the last cursor click position.
* You can option-drag (alt drag on a PC [qui fa un errore perche' si deve fare CNTRL drag per clonare ... ) an existing emplaced, configured block to make a "clone", a copy of the block with the the configuration pane set-up, and even the position of the datahb copied.
* If you need to select a large section of code (larger than a single screen), you can shift-click to add new blocks to an existing selection.
* Selecting a Switch or Loop selects everything within it as well.
* You can use the arrow keys to scroll the screen L/R/U/D. Using fn-Up or fn-Down can scroll the screen by a larger distance L or R, speeding up the process, while "home" (fn-L) or "end" (fn-R) will take you to the start or end of the program.
* When editing the icons for a My Block, you can move them or resize them, but the order that they overlap in is determined by the order they were dropped in, and if you want to delete an icon that you've dropped, you can select it and type fn-delete. Even if the icons seem cut off on the edge of the editing window, they may appear complete on the block image.
* Clicking & dragging on a section of existing wire will move it around (sometimes revealing hidden bends that are handy)
* While dragging a wire out (before you secure the end), tapping the space bar can make it flip from "up-and-over" to "over-and-up" and back again.
* Using crowbars to open Loops and Switches.
* Using a text comment "pin" to hold those stretched structures open.
Brian Davis
Aggiunta di Jason:
Tab key will cycle through the different tools.
1-2-3 wil cycle in the palettes
crowbar: uno switch, per esempio, inserito in un loop altrimenti stretto, allo scopo ti allargarlo, mettendo dentro lo switch un blocco dummy con un hub molto lungo, ad esempio il display. E' un trucco per facilitare la stesura del programma.
1 commento:
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
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